One Utas account can consist of two profiles or more. To add the second profile in Utas, you can do as follows:
- Log in to
- Click Add Profile button.
- You are now on the Create New Profile page. Fill in the form by these:
- Select Plan:
- Set a number of profiles.
- Apply a coupon code (if any).
- Select the payment method.
- Check an “agree to terms and conditions” checkbox. (read terms & conditions here).
- Click the Make Order.
- Tap OK on the success notification.
- Next, click the Pay button on the Payment Detail page.
- Now, you are on the Invoice Payment page. You will find the information about the payment, such as payment deadline, payment amount, and Utas account number. Pay it immediately.
- After you pay the bill, make sure to click the Confirm button.
- Please wait for the Verification Process. Now, your profile has been added.
- Finish.