Last modified: March 3, 2023
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How to Make an Email Consultation Topic

Please ensure your Utas Account has been synchronized to your Google Account before making a consultation topic for the first time. Learn how to synchronize it here.

Follow these steps to make an email consultation: 

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Consultation tab on the menu.
  3. Click the Topics tab.
  4. Click the New Topic button.
  1. Select the Email Consultation.

  1. Write a topic title for your consultation.
  2. Describe your consultation topic in the Description field.
  3. Set the Reply Limitation for your consultation method:
    • Pay per reply: Customers need to pay per 1 (one) question asked.  When they ask another question, they are supposed to pay again for the reply. The number of your replies is unlimited.
    • One-time payment: Customers only need to pay once for the whole consultation. This option allows customers to ask unlimited questions. The number of your replies is also not limited.
  1. Set the Pricing for your consultation. There are two pricing options:
    • Fixed: set fixed pricing.
    • Pay what you want: offer various prices. Your client might choose one from the three offered pricing you’ve set.
      • If you activate the Enable Custom Amount option, they can set the custom pricing based on their willingness to pay. To enable the option, you should set the minimum amount for pricing.
  1. Click the Create button.
  2. You’ve successfully made it. Click the OK button on the success notification. 
  3. Finish.

How to Check Consultation Topic That has Been Created

To check the Consultation Topic created, do as follows : 

  1. Select the Topics tab on the Consultations page. 
  2. Click the Email tab. You’ll find the Consultation Topics listed. 
  3. Finish.

How to edit the email consultation

To edit the email consultation setting, follow these actions:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Consultations menu.
  3. Select the Topics tab on the Consultations page. 
  4. Go to the Email tab.
  5. Choose the Consultation Topic you want to edit, then click the Edit button in the Action column.
  1. Edit the consultation setting.
  2. Click the Publish button.
  1. You’ve successfully edited it. Click OK.
  2. Finish.

How to delete the email consultation

You can not restore the deleted topic.

To delete the email consultation topic, do as follows: 

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Consultation menu
  3. Go to the Topics tab on the Consultation page. 
  4. Click the Email tab.
  5. Select the consultation topic that you want to delete, and click Delete
  6. Finish. 
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