Last modified: March 3, 2023
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You can embed the consultation to a website when you have at least one consultation topic (either text or video consultation). There are 3 methods:

  1. Direct Consultation Link
  2. Consultation Block
  3. Direct Consultation Button

Embed the Consultation Link Directly

The first method is to embed your consultation link directly into the website. When the visitors click the link, they will be redirected to your consultation page. 

Here are the steps to directly embed the link:

  1. Log in to website app.utas.co.
  2. Select the Consultations menu.
  3. Click the Setting tab.
  4. Go to the Consultation tab.
  5. On the Direct Consultation Link side, click the Copy icon after the link.
  1. Next, Paste the link to your website.
  2. Done.

Embed All Consultation Block

The second option is Consultation Block. This method allows you to embed all consultation blocks on your website. 

Consultation Block method:

  1. Login to website app.utas.co
  2. Select the Consultations menu
  3. Click the Setting tab
  4. Go to the Consultation tab
  5. On the right side, you will find the Consultation Block tab. Click the Copy icon after the link.
  1. Next, paste the link to your website
  2. Finish.

Direct Consultation Button

Another way to embed a consultation is by using a direct button. It has a similar way to Direct Consultation Link. But, the link is displayed as a button and can be customized. Visitors will be redirected to your consultation page when they click the button.

To activate Direct Consultation Button, do as follows:

  1. Login to website app.utas.co
  2. Click the Consultations menu.
  3. Go to the Setting tab.
  4. Select the Consultation tab
  5. On the right side, you will find the Direct Consultation Button tab. 
  6. Customize the button setting, such as:
    • Label
    • Background Color
    • Text Color
    • Button Position
  7. Click the Update button
  8. Click the Copy icon after the link.
  1. After that, paste the link to your website.
  2. Finish.
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