How To Log in To Utas (For Buyers)

Last modified: February 19, 2023
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To be able to access the Consultation or Digital Products that you sell, the buyers must log in to Utas dashboard. To do so, kindly follow the steps below :

  1. Visit your Utas profile. Example:
  2. Click the menu in the upper right corner and select Customer Login.

  3. Select Log in with Facebook or Enter your email address, then click Login.

  4. If the buyers choose to enter an email address, then they’ll get a code to log in.
  5. Check the email to get the OTP code.

  6. Copy the code and enter the login code into the field provided.

  7. After log in to Utas, click menu > My Orders to view purchases that have been made.

  8. To access digital products or consultations that have been paid off, click on the Details button on the Action column.

  9. Then the buyer can access the product in the Product Access column.

  10. Finished.
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