Mailer Form

Last modified: March 2, 2023
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Activate Mailer Form in Utas Profile

Before you use Form Mailer feature to send email, you need to display the form on your Utas Profile page. So, your profile visitor can submit their email address. (Learn more about Form Mailer in Utas). 

To activate it, kindly follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Home menu.
  3. Click the switch button on (ON) on the Mailer bar.
  1. Click the Save Changes button.
  2. Click OK on the pop-up notification.
  3. Finish.

Mailer Form Settings

After activation, the next step is to set the Label and choose the form that will be displayed. Here are the steps:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow beside the switch button.
  2. Type your Form Label on the Primary Form Label field. E.g.: Sign Up for Our Free Ebook!
  3. If you’ve never made a form in Utas, you will find the Create Utas Form button. Click the button, then you will be redirected to How to Create Post in Built-In Form Type.
  1. But, if you’ve ever made it, choose which form that will be displayed in your Utas profile.
  1. Click the See Mailer button to start broadcasting email. (Learn how to use Mailer feature).
  2. Tap the Save Changes button.
  3. Then, click OK on the success notification.
  4. Finish.

Deactivate Mailer Form On Utas Profile

Deactivating Form Mailer has a similar step to activate it. Click the switch button and its label will change to OFF with a gray color. Next, click Save Changes to save it. Now, your Form Mailer will not be displayed on your Utas profile.

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