In Utas, you can change the themes and layout to make it look different from the others. To change the theme settings, follow the steps below:

- Log in to
- Click the Home menu.
- Click the Drop Down Triangle in the Theme & Layout section.
- In the Colors Section, Choose the color to change the theme colors.
- In the Layouts section. Select 1 of 4 available layout designs. There are four available layout designs include:
- Default.
- Gallery
- Microsite.
- Store.
- In the Background Section, select 1 of 10 available backgrounds. Select None if you don’t want to use a background.
- To make your text more legible, activate the Text White option.
- You can also use your Background by selecting Your Background Section.
- You can see the changes in the Preview Section.
- Click the Save Button to save your Utas theme settings.
- Click OK in the pop-up notification.
- Done.
the result of Theme Settings